I was playing with Excel recently and for the hundredth time got stumped by how to use the INDEX/MATCH combo. For the hundredth time in the past years, I open the same damn website and the same damn explanation which took awhile because my brain actually needed to work to understand what’s going on.
I didn’t want to understand. I just want it to work. Yes, brain is smol.
So here I’m just gonna drop how to use it. Below is table A.
name | letter | score |
ackbar | A | ? |
obi-wan | B | ? |
han solo | C | ? |
I want to find the corresponding score to the letter.
Below is table B, which holds the mapping of letter to score:
letter | score |
A | 90 |
B | 80 |
C | 70 |
tl;dr, the formula to put for each row in the “score” column to get the corresponding score to the letter in the row is:
Hopefully I won’t mess it up again.