im momoko mopiko!

- an ffxiv character page -

~ about ~

Momoko Moko was born in Gridania to a working traditional family of two Lalafells: her mother is an archer and her father is a tanner.

Since young, Momo is a distracted girl with a strong sense of wonder. When she was young, Momo was found to have an affinity for earth, water and wind, immediately attracting the notice of the conjurer's guild who took her in.

The tdlr is that Momo grew to be a powerful white mage, but is unconventional, difficult to predict and hard to get a hold of, which is something the conjurers as a whole had to endure. Momo never seemed interested in mediatiomomo, attuning and slow lessons, often skipping classes to play outside, once even amusing an elemental which scared the shit out of the conjurers.

Luckily, Momo has loving parents, who supported her despite the conjurer's complaints. "Lul you guys picked her" was her father's comment. "What's wrong with that?" Was her mother's comment.

(Momo's parents generally love gridana but puts up with the elemental thing)

Momo became a white mage but her troubles didnt end there. Something happened (todo) which causes Momo to live with her grandmother in uldah (momo is dunesfolk)

~ photos ~